Negative, Neutral and Positive Thinking - Mindset Fitness

mindset shift personal growth Apr 29, 2022
Positive Mindset Leanna Butterfield

Fortunately you will have challenges throughout your life. Yup, fortunately.

Not because life is meant to be a struggle, as so many will try to instill in your beliefs.

But because challenges precede growth.

Challenges are life alerts, that you are about to be presented with an opportunity to choose your response. And it is your response that results in growth or no growth.

If you navigate challenges correctly, you will experience growth to consistently live life at your highest potential to make the difference you want to make.

And life is all about growth.


A mindset for growth

Consistent success through challenges is reliant on mindset. An inspired mindset that inspires living life from a generally positive perspective, that adopts positive beliefs and causes inspired action for positive results to make a positive impact.

But have you noticed that people focus their thoughts more on what they don’t want than what they do want? They spend more of the day in a negative mindset than an inspired mindset?

They think about how the challenge is negatively impacting their plans. They focus on the unfairness, the disruption, the inconvenience.

They speak more about what they don’t want, what they don’t like and the problems, concerns and challenges they are confronted by?

During the next 24 hours, notice the negative conversations that happen around you. Notice how they make you feel and what they make you think about. Notice your own negative thoughts and how long they last. Thoughts like worry, frustration, doubt, how tired you are, how overwhelmed and busy you are, the challenges or problems you are facing.


What do you do when life throws you a challenge?

It is not easy to think positively during challenging periods.

That is when a negative mindset that stirs up worry, frustration, doubt, and wishing things were different, can take over. Focusing your attention on the problem, consuming your thoughts and emotions and controlling your conversations.

This is what you need to know.

Speak negatively is seven times more likely to result in something negative happening.

That speaking negatively is ten times more powerful than just thinking negatively.

And, speaking negatively is a multiple of 4 to 7 times more powerful than speaking positively. This information was determined through a study conducted by a Georgetown and Harvard professor.

So eliminating negative thinking and speaking is more important than actually thinking positive thoughts and even speaking positively.

Don’t give struggle a voice.


What about neutral thinking

You control what you think. So don’t give negativity a space in your mind. Because negative thinking and speaking will guide your emotions and behavior toward negative outcomes.

You’ll notice more negative things to match what you are feeling and your negative emotions will intensify and influence negative reactions and responses.

Neutral thinking is an option to interrupt negative thoughts.

This is where you acknowledge what is really happening. Ask yourself, what are the facts that are indisputable and not an opinion? What is the truth?

Neutral thinking recognizes that the present circumstances are temporary. As temporary as you decide they will be because you know that the future is based on how you choose to respond and what action you decide to take next.

The question to ponder right here is what can you do to step into a more expansive place toward a more expansive future. What can you do, with what you know and what you have, where you are? What is the next right and positive step?

No matter what is happening around you, you can make an impact in a positive way to get a result in your favor. A positive perspective sees and attracts positive solutions.


Mindset fitness

Since you will experience challenges throughout your life it makes more sense to develop a process to navigate them with less frustration and more ease. That begins with cultivating a positive mindset.

Stop choosing negative influences to shape your thinking, language and focus. Stop consumption of negativity.

Don’t feed negativity by complaining, blaming or repeating the unfairness of the situation. Or past stories of struggle and unfairness.

Do not indulge in negative self-talk out loud or in your thoughts.

Avoid speaking negatively in non-productive conversations.

Be intentional about minimizing negative influences.

What you are willing not to do, think, say, listen to and watch is as important as what you choose to do to develop a positive mindset.


Choose an empowering meaning

You give meaning to what is happening around you.

Life is happening for you. If challenges are happening for your growth and to prepare you for something bigger and better in the future, choose to see how you can gain something positive from the challenge. Challenges and even negative feelings are informative. Ask what do I need to learn, what is an alternate and better option that aligns with where I am and where I want to go, what is the learning opportunity.

Then choose the next empowering step forward. It’s easier to see that if you choose to solve the problem from a positive perspective.


You choose the path of your success

…because you choose what you think.

Your challenges aren’t intended to keep you in struggle. If you navigate them correctly, from a positive perspective, which does not mean you have to be happy about them, you will see they are learning and growth experiences intended to lead you to your highest potential.

 An invitation for you to up level you thoughts

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