Create the Identity that Aligns with the Next Level You

mindset shift personal growth Apr 24, 2022
Personality tests don't define you Leanna Butterfield

How thrilled were you with the results of your personality test?

Did you agree with the traits you were assigned?

If you’re a parent you know that the usefulness of standardized aptitude tests used for admission to college have been challenged for years.

How could such a test demonstrate the truth of who your superstar truly is?

Or, more importantly, who they can become?

Do the same questions apply to personality tests?


Are they confining?

Or do they give the comfort of structure and a framework of how to live life and who to be?

Do they leave test takers believing, accepting and living into their designated personality category?

You are assigned a label to define who you are and that becomes a guide for how you are expected to behave.

You look for evidence to support this label. You’ll even demonstrate the behaviors that correspond with it to prove the labels true, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

For so many, this is a source of frustration. A trusted test told them who they are and in effect how they are supposed to behave. They try to live into the label, but they want to be more.

It is important to know that personality assessments are a retrospective look at who you have been, but not who you are becoming.


Be pulled by your future

Personality tests offer useful information, but you are not obligated to own the traits and labels they suggest. Your personality is not definitive and it isn’t permanent. The truth is far better.

You become who you choose to be. You can develop your personality.

Who are you committed to becoming?

How would you like to describe yourself one year from now, or five years from now?

Get curious about what is possible and commit to evolve to become the person to experience the career and business success you want to have and to make the impact you want to make.

Get clear about who you want to become so that you can choose behaviors, think thoughts and make choices that align with who you want to be in the future.


Be a match

You are not expected to be who you were in the past. You can own the responsibility to develop the personality that aligns with what you want in your future and live into it.

Don’t be confined by someone else’s opinion. Don’t accept limits to who you can become. Take control and become the person you want to be.

Determine the new behaviors and set triggers to develop new habits.

Develop the traits that align with the person you want to become and release those that keep you anchored to experiences that you don’t want.

Just as you can live into a personality determined by the suggestion of a personality test, you can choose to develop the personality you want to live into it.


Let your future drive your behavior

You have the right to evolve and become a match for the career and life you want to live.

What is most important is who you want to become.

Don’t accept labels that do not align with who you are becoming. Be intentional about developing your personality. Include that in your personal and professional growth plan.


How would you like to describe yourself?

Unconfined, Undaunted, Unshakeable and Unstoppable.

The words and language we use to describe who we are create our world.

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